Sunday 11 September 2011

Japan at last!

A view on the river in the Akita's downtown

First weeks in Japan have been quite demanding. When I was told that I got accepted into the Akita International University I had mixed feelings. First of all, I was to go ALONE, since all my other classmates ended up in Tokyo or Sapporo. What is more, Akita in a place far, far away from any city that I had ever heard about before.
Ice cream- your saver from boiling weather! ^^
On the other hand, the weather here was told to be similar to the one I am used to back in Norway. In addition, I would be able to work even more on my improvement of the Japanese language.
So, to my surprise, Akita has proved to be nothing even remotely close to what I anticipated. The weather has been boiling hot. Coldness and snow???? Forget about it! I think that thanks to that I am constantly tired and coz of that I can't fully focus on my studies, which btw, have already begun :P